Thursday, April 18, 2013

Picture clump! Lol.


I love the colors used in this one.


Ouran Highschool!!!

Hello to all.  Today, I drew my first drawing of a boy.  I'm good at drawing girls, but for some odd reason not so much boys.  But I think it turned out pretty good!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Sorry about the slow posting :)  Ok, well i've been trying to work on drawing things other than people.  Because I have a dream of being an anime artist, and writing books.  But anime isn't just people, you have to draw objects around them.  So I drew an anime kitty.  I think it turned out pretty well ;)

Heres a few anime pictures I challenge you to draw!

This one, because its really pretty, and tells a story.  If you want, pair a story with the picture!  Why is she crying?

Make all these faces, and draw them on your own personal character.  

Pair up a story with this one.  Make up a creepy name like "Awful Agatha" and tell why she's crazy....

Draw all these eyes, and try to make them as close to the original as possible.  Also really study them, and try to make anime characters with these eyes. 

Email your pictures and stories to this email:
I'll post everyones drawings on my blog!

Thursday, April 11, 2013




Hey guys, wanted to let you know, if you enjoy reading what I write, I have another blog called:  Its about my everyday life, and things I just feel like talking about.  Check it out if you want.  I need to start getting more viewers.  I'd like to start hearing from you guys to!  So lets get cracking.  If you enjoy my blogs, and think they are awesome, do me a favor and share them to your friends!  Post them randomly on youtube!  Just help me out please!  Thanks in advance! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Anime Drawings



What is your favorite thing she's wearing?  I like the chokey necklace, and the music note tattoo   

I drew this, it actually turned out to be one of my best, in my opinion.  Maybe i'll upload a pic of my drawing for you guys!  If you want me to, comment on these photos. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Hi guys, so I don't know if this is just me, but I often have trouble drawing hands!  They are so hard to draw,  yet I really don't even know why.  But heres a video to help.

I found this one very helpful!  He's really good at drawing hands, don't you think?

Monday, April 8, 2013

To you guys...

To all people out there, who want to draw anime, weather professionally, or just for yourself, it is important to remember that there are no limits.  You can draw whatever you want, make your dreams come life.  You can express different personalities, it could be your friends, or you.  You can make a world, different, and better than this one.  

Clothing and Shadows...

This one looks as though he is sitting or standing in front of a fire, weather its a campfire, or just a candle.  

This one is definitely helpful, I will see about looking at some real people, and trying to turn them into anime characters....
This doesn't really have anything to do with learning how to draw clothing wrinkles, just some really good drawing ^_^

Shadows, Wrinkles, and their placement....?

So i'm trying to focus on lines, shadows, and wrinkles in clothing right now....I never understand where to put them, how they should look, so i'm stuck copying someone elses so I can maybe learn to understand more. And trust me, I am starting to understand way more things.  Like light, and highlights, and coloring.  But theres still a lot more to learn.  I'm going put up some youtube videos about wrinkles, lines, and shadows here in a minute, so you can learn with me! 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

To all the people who look at and read my blog, thank you!
Sorry for not posting yesterday, i'm always busy with friends and out on Saturdays.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Send me your drawings!

I have a challenge people...Try to draw this, take a picture of it, and send it to me through this email:

I'll post your pictures on my blog!  Make sure to leave your name and age as well.


Girls, admit it.... You get flutters in your tummies when you see a picture like this!  Or am I really the only one?
I've drawn this one before, but her head looked a little weird.  I can never get the heads right, LOL.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I would never go that far to look like an anime character, but I agree with the dude.  If it makes her happy, and its not hurting anyone else, who are we to judge?


I'm trying to think of a good anime series of my own.  I want to right a manga book, but I always get writers block, and then after I finally get a good story, I get frustrated because my drawing sucks!  UGGG....  But I have a book dedicated to anime manga ideas.  I'm probably thinking about anime 90 percent of my day.  But thats just me.
B-Bu-Bu-Butterflies!!  EEEP!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

So i'm checking my stats, and 153 people have veiwed my blog!  I'm happy, and I hope there will be more.
Do you think he/she draws good???  I do!

OMGOMG, Someday I want to have folders and folders like her full of my drawings!

Just to let you guys know, I draw based off pictures I get from tumblr, and then save them to my computer.  But I almost never copy them exactly.  I put my own twist on them.  For instance I was drawing a girl with blonde, short hair in a green dress.  I slightly changed her facial structure, made her hair a tad longer, and changed the color of her hair and dress.  The only thing i'm having troubles with is the fact that I can't draw wrinkles and folds in clothing.  Which is why i'm not able to draw my own characters, but just twerk and form others.  But i'm getting there! 
Here is the girl I drew, but imagine her hair longer, and brown, and her dress yellow and orange, and her head a little bit bigger.  Oh, and I included her hands and legs.  


Recognize these characters...?



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This is my facebook page!
Cosplay is a very real hobby, that a lot of people find strange, and lame.  But I don't feel that way.  I mean, there are all sorts of hobby's.  And maybe a lot of them are weird, but as long as they aren't causing anyone harm or distress, and they make the person happy, who are we to judge?  But Cosplay could be very fun I imagine.  And I guess the goal is to make yourself look as realistic as possible.  

So if you were to try cosplay, what or who would you dress up as?